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Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement At Donaldson Timber Systems we recognise that slavery and human trafficking are significant human rights issues and are committed to taking appropriate and proportionate steps to mitigating the risk of these occurring within our business and our supply chain. As a timber frame manufacturing and construction business operating within the UK, the key areas of our operation ...


What our Customers say What do our customers say about us? Below are a few testimonials from some of the clients we work with on timber frame installations we have carried out for them “Exceeded my expectations” “Stewart Milne Timber Systems (now Donaldson Timber Systems) has done everything we’ve needed them to do on the project; they exceeded my expectations. ...

Training and Events

At our Virtual factory tours, we will demonstrate how timber frame manufacturing works for our clients. Calendar of dates and bespoke training sessions included.

Case Studies

A selection of updated case studies demonstrating how we have helped clients across the UK solve their build challenges

News & Insights

Our latest news articles, videos, site photographs, case studies, awards, careers advice


Innovating and developing our systems and services has seen efforts recognised with awards, endorsements and accreditations


We have developed an understanding of house building as a result of a 45 year history with Stewart Milne Group. We can support our client base with home building requirements


Our research and development team work to understand market needs – both today and tomorrow – and then create homes and advance build solutions that meet them.

Fabric Performance

Design and innovation to achieve fabric performance of build systems. Energy efficiency, noise reduction, air tightness are fundamental benefits engineered into build solutions.


Solutions for fast track, high volume projects or slower paced construction. Expertise and project support. Tablet technology to capture data.